Sperm Whale(物理学大肠杆菌)

By电子邮件作者- 2012年3月13日星期二10:15:01格林尼治标准时间
Sperm Whale(物理学大肠杆菌)

斯里兰卡的抹香鲸; Credit: © Shutterstock

抹香鲸也许是所有鲸鱼中最鲜明的。齿上,它可能与海豚有很远的相关,但是它的巨大尺寸在20米(60英尺)的长度上,将其深入我们的想象力,例如大鲸鱼(例如Moby Dick)。实际上,没有其他喜欢的人。两个非常小的亲戚是遥远的表亲,他们也可能在另一个家庭中。

头部是如此独特,以至于测量长度的三分之一(比较blue whale's head which is less than one quarter of its length). The small under-slung jaw is contrasted with the massive rectangular, blunt nose, packed with sensory apparatus and the legendary spermaceti that gives this whale its name.

The flippers are short stubby "brakes," but that magnificent tail fluke is the equal of any other. The huge acceleration that tail exerts is largely in our imagination, as few can ever have witnessed a speeding sperm whale under the water.

Tail fluke of a diving sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)



深度潜水后浮出水面后,抹香鲸发出的声音很棒。一公里之遥,吹孔开口的声音就像爆炸。同样,可以听到两英里外的两英里后的大声飞溅,并涉及完全突破 - 整个动物都离开了水。

Sperm Whale Illustration(物理学大肠杆菌)


成员之间的通信of the large pods are often long-range echo-locations, each individual possessing a signature. These are equivalent of course to the echo-location of the bats and many other whales but also seem to maintain an inter-personal distance of around 100m and probably function similarly to cell-phones!

The most awful unheard noise is that emitted by a stranded whale. To the distress of many dogs, the call summons help from the rest of the pod offshore. Although human ears can't discern the frequency, the socialised whales cannot be stopped joining the caller on the beach, until the whole herd are involved. Killing the first whale is one possible solution to saving the whole group, which has been known to include a new-born, 70 females and the lead bull-whale. Bachelor herds don't seem to cohere so well and thereby often escape to the open sea.

illustration of a sperm whale eating a giant squid


全部乌贼被吃掉,尤其是深海的巨人,Moroteuthis Robusta。但是,滑冰,龙虾和鳕鱼使它更像是饮食中的“欧洲”。关键的狩猎策略很可能是在等待巨型和发光的鱿鱼,可以使用其Echo-Location to限制其捕获如此快速移动的猎物的极限。精子中的鼻子中蜡在深度发挥作用,因为它吸收了水并大大增加了其密度,并且自然而然地增加了整个鲸鱼的密度。这是抹香鲸的名字起源,因为蜡被用作oi



Phylum: Chordata - Class: Mammals - Order: Cetacea - Family: Physeteridae - Genus: Physeter


