
经过米歇尔·西蒙(Michelle Simon)- 2011年3月12日19:55:41 GMT

日本洪斯(Honshu):日本:05:46 UTC(02:46 PM-震中的当地时间)是地震历史上记录的最强大的地震之一,日本东海岸附近,位于日本东海岸,位于130公里(80英里),位于Honshu东部。, 日本。

Measured at an alarming magnitude of 9.0, the 11th March 2011, Honshu's Mega-trust EQ is marked as Japan's highest recorded magnitude, setting off a devastating tsunami that hit the eastern coastal towns approximately 1.5 hours after the EQ.

japan earthquake epicenter map

The main tsunami travelled up to 10 km (6 miles) inland in Japan. The destruction to life and property has taken its toll and the aftershocks and domino effect of the earthquake is still rippling through the Pacific Ocean with secondary tsunami wave impacts travelling as far as 2 100-7000 km hitting the North Pacific islands, North American west coast and western Canadian coastal areas at 16:30 UTC.

USGS Google日本地震冲击波

japan earthquake wave height in cm

Today, 12th March 2011 continued with heightened seismic activity resulting in approximately 50 secondary-quakes or aftershocks in the order of as high as 6-magnitudes. The ensuing almost nonstop waves of seismic aftershocks and secondary tsunamis are continuing with warnings from the Japanese Meteorological Agency estimated throughout the day at heights of between 0.5m to 2m.


The initial tsunami struck yesterday at approximately 14:50 JST at a height of 0.3m, followed at 15:12 JST by the maximum tsunami of 6.8m causing untold devastation to the east coast of Japan. Coastal cities could be viewed on global images being swiped by nature's powerful blow of ocean rage, as the rising super-wave moved across the ocean reaching almost 10 m at the intertidal zone, destroying everything in its path from human life to infrastructure. Boats, vehicles and built structures amongst other things were erased from the landscape in seconds as the wave engulfed them, leaving behind a trail of dead and injured bodies, rubble and chaos.

noaa japan earthquake tsunami travel times

海啸向仙台和kinagashima河流的力量移动,打破了下游的河流,并迫使淡水流向上游,形成了综合海水和淡水的无情水力。海啸可以以500英里 /小时的速度在海洋上行驶。

sendai tsunami


Origin of the Earthquake

The 9.0 Earthquake originated off the east coast of Japan on the sea floor of the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 24.4 km (15.2 miles), where the Pacific Plate meets the North American Plate.

tectonic plates japan earthquake

Tectonic plates are the segmented blocks of the earth's outer crust upon which the oceans and continents lie. The oceanic crust is much thinner than the continental/terrestrial crust. There are 9 major plates with a number of minor ones. The Giant Pacific Plate is almost entirely ocean based while the North American plate is largely continently. Irrespective of size all plates have the potential to cause crustal unrest leading to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

According to the US Geological Society, Japan's EQ occurred as a result of thrust faulting on or near the subduction zone interface plate boundary between the Pacific and North American plates. The Pacific plate thrusts underneath Japan at the Japan Trench, and dips to the west beneath Eurasia. On March 11th 2011 the plate boundary subduction caused Japan's most catastrophic EQ.



两天前 - 2011年3月9日 - 地震活动在2011年3月11日距Honshu EQ约40公里处建立了M 7.2的前锁。

2011年3月9日 - 在M 7.2的前换后,进一步的3个等式大于m 6。


Seismic activity continued past the main EQ, sending over a 100 aftershocks through the region as follows:

- 报告了15:06的余震M 7.0(当地时间,LT)。

- 余震M7.4在15:15 Lt。

- 余震M7.2在15:26 Lt。

- 第二个EQ M 6.7发生在2011年3月12日的03:59 LT导致余震。

- 自初次地震以来,已经发生了超过一百个M 4.5或更高的余震。

usgs shake map japan earthquake

日本 - EQ热点

日本是著名的地震,火山和海啸热点,因为它位于几个构造板相交区域。1923年9月1日,大坎托地震摧毁了东京,横滨和周围环境。大约有14万人成为这次地震及其造成的大火的受害者。自1973年以来,日本沟渠俯冲带已举办9个M 7或更高的事件。其中最大的是M 7.8地震,在1994年12月11日发生的3月11日事件的北部约260公里处,造成3次死亡和近700次伤害。。1978年6月,距西南35公里的M 7.7地震造成22次死亡和400多人伤害(USGC,2011年)。



sendai airport hit by tsunami






A fire broke out at the Chiba Oil Refinery resulting in an explosion.


Human Life impacts are estimated at a count of +600 confirmed dead, +780 missing, 1 040 injured. This count is sure to grow in the ensuing days as Japan tries to recover and proper statistics of the impacts are registered.


Copyright © Michelle Simon 2011