Gulf coral damaged by Deepwater Horizon oil spill

经过戴夫·阿姆斯特朗(Dave Armstrong)- 29 Mar 2012 11:48:58 GMT
Gulf coral damaged by Deepwater Horizon oil spill

在正常条件下,在打开时出现的戈尔戈尼亚紫菜的珊瑚息肉的近距离珊瑚息肉图像via Shutterstock

Macondo Well Oil从Deepwater Horizonblowout has been found on deep-water corals that are 1370 feet down and 11km away. The sensitivity of these mucus-secreting animals means that water currents passing through the community can be assessed with hindsight. Often, no deposits of certain hydrocarbons were left, but these ancient sessile corals preserve their history from a thousand years ago.

The这个特定区域的珊瑚looked unhealthy and skeletons were free of encrustation, meaning they died recently. The premise that recent waterborne pollution had impacted the community was made, although a coincidence is possible. No other such corals have been impacted. Biomarkers (hopanes in particular) in the floc from the affected organisms also could have originated only the Deepwater Horizon spill.


必威国际必威官网2010年11月从各个地点观察到的健康深水珊瑚社区>20km from the Macondo well (shown as a star on map). (A) Paramuricea sp. type E and Asteroschema sp. at 360 m depth in Garden Banks (GB) 299; (B) Paramuricea sp. type E and Asteroschema sp. at 440 m depth in Mississippi Canyon (MC) 751; (C) Paramuricea sp. type A and Eumunida picta at 530 m depth in Green Canyon (GC) 354; (D) Paramuricea sp. type E and Asteroschema sp., along with a brisingid basket star at 360 m depth in Viosca Knoll (VK) 906; (E) P. biscaya and A. clavigerum at 2,300 m depth in DesotoCanyon (DC) 673; Credit: PNAS

戈尔贡珊瑚,例如Parmuricea Biscayawere dominant in a central 10x12m area. They were under stress, with excessive mucus production, some skeleton bared and the polyps retracted. Four levels of stress impact were recorded (up to a maximum of 4) in 86% of the corals. During the course of the investigation, only one colony showed signs of some recovery. Otherwise no regrowth or deterioration seemed to occur.

The team looked for positive signs but most indications were bleak for the coral. When the team sampled other animals on the coral, the anemones were found to be bleached in parts, while the ophiurids (brittle stars) were strangely and tightly coiled around their host coral, with some recovering later in the study.

It could be that these deep water corals are more sensitive indicators of pollution than marine sediment cores which have been used to date. Many other such corals in the Gulf of Mexico have not been damaged. Their slow growth rate and the water currents within the Gulf may have protected them so far, with more damage to take place as the hydrocarbons circulate.

Otherwise, only this area has been affected in this way, albeit seriously. Certainly, this alternative to studying marine sediments provides biological indications that could help other organisms as we realise precise effects within the wholeecosystem.

首席作者海伦·怀特(Helen K. White)等人发表了他们的研究和发现”Deepwater Horizo​​n石油漏油对墨西哥湾深水珊瑚社区的影响' 在里面Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS)本周。


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