
ByJohn Dean- 2011年8月30日15:28:0 GMT

United States landowners have a key role to play in the protection of endangered American wildlife. That's one of the key messages to come out of the recent award by the US Government of $53m in grants to wildlife projects.

From rare birds to endangered beetles, hope has been offered to dozens of endangered species after the announcement by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. Awarding money to 17 states through the US Fish and Wildlife Service's Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund, he said: "Our solid partnerships with states are key to Interior's continued success in preventing the extinction of hundreds of threatened and endangered species, and recovering species, such as the bald eagle, brown pelican, and American alligator. These grant awards will support important state efforts to build and strengthen conservation partnerships, and to conserve and protect重要栖息地受到威胁和濒危动物和植物。”

许多方案都取决于土地所有者与保护主义者之间的合作,如果存在野生动植物在私人遗址上或需要购买土地的情况下,这是美国鱼类和野生动物服务总betway必威官网平台监丹·阿什(Dan Ashe)所说的。他说:“确保危害物种的生存取决于长期的伙伴关系和自愿地土地所有者的参与。这些赠款提供的重要资金使土地所有者和社区能够保护栖息地,以保护受威胁和濒危物种,并为后代寄养保护管家的努力。”betway必威官网平台

以这种方式受益的物种之一是卡纳蓝蝴蝶。威斯康星州已获得360,000美元的赠款,以资助杰克逊县的Karner Blue Butterfly土地获取项目,该项目将允许其保护Bauer-Brockway在Barens State Sate Satten Natural地区和杰克逊县森林中保护240英亩的土地。该计划将连接造成分裂增加的栖息地。

另一项赠款是马里兰州的切萨皮克湾清教徒甲虫栖息地保护项目,贯穿马里兰州自然资源部,鱼类和野生动物服务局Chesapeake Bay Field Officebetway必威官网平台,Eastern Shore Converty,Chesapeake Bay Council of Chesapeake Bay Council,还有五个私人土地所有者。他们将能够购买456英亩的林地和侵蚀悬崖,这些悬崖支持当地威胁的清教老虎甲虫。其中一个遗址也有受到威胁的东北海滩虎甲虫。


在受益鸟类的项目中,有391,000美元的赠款给夏威夷的东毛伊岛分水岭保护地役权,该资金将资助在Makawao和Maui岛上购买超过3,550英亩的英亩土地,该岛betway必威官网平台是13只稀有或濒危鸟类的所在地,包括“Akohekohe或Crested Honeycreeper和Maui Parrotbill是美国最稀有的鸟类之一。”
