
By马丁·莱格特(Martin Leggett)- 2011年4月4日22:9:0 GMT


但是,随着国家的行列抢夺发达国家的能源强烈的愿景,中国和印度的众多人口急切地加入了党,一些苛刻的现实开始开始。看起来越来越裸露;为了满足新兴需求的石油生产的长期大步走动,已经步履蹒跚。对于许多地质学家来说,“峰石油”的漫长阴影就在我们身上 - 这可能意味着对一个沉迷石油的世界的严重问题。

“峰油”只是观察到来自油田的提取率如何随着时间而变化的名称。它是1950年代由地质学家Hubbert国王提出的。他注意到,石油生产速度较低,沿陡峭的曲线迅速上升 - 随着新的井在水龙头上购买 - 然后是峰值 - 或多或少地急剧下降,并停止了井口。他注意到,无论是看石油田,产生石油的地区还是一个国家 - 并在1970年代美国石油生产达到峰值时,似乎都会发生这种崛起和下降。

这意味着这种“上升和下降”也将在全球范围内发生 - 即使增加的新储备量下降,也将首先以越来越多的石油提取的标记。这一点已经到达 - 早在1980年代。现在,我们每年都从“石油储藏室”中取出更多的石油,而不是从新发现中添加的。在过去的十年的大部分时间里,全球石油生产一直是一个锯齿状的高原 - 导致一些人宣称全球“峰石油”可能已经在我们身上。

That may be worrying for many aspects of running the modern world - but does it have a silver lining for even bigger shadow being cast - that of man-made climate change. Could a reduced amount of oil use lead to less emissions, and so help to see the planet stabilize its global temperature rise? Optimists might see some hope in this natural self-correcting mechanism.

But the problem is that oil is not the only fossil fuel. Coal is a bigger greenhouse gas headache - and some are already looking at turning coal to liquids, to fill the gap left by oil. Then there are tar-sands, poor-quality oil and sand mixes that exist in vast quantities. They require huge amounts of energy to liberate their oil - and are very much a black-spot in the emissions picture. And tar sand production ramps up as oil prices rise. In short, with things as they are, it seems likely the energy industry will end up emitting more CO2 as oil becomes more expensive as it runs out
