
By电子邮件作者- 星期二,2012年9月11日11:55:00 GMT

空调单元; Credit: © Shutterstock

We live in a temperature regulated world, simply turning our radiators on in the depths of winter and switching to air con when summer arrives.

虽然我全都在外面灼热时感到凉爽和舒适,而我讨厌像其他人一样冷淡,但我们必须停下来说“太多”。毕竟,选择和选择要成为什么温度并不是自然的 - 季节是有原因的!



空调是主要的贡献者全球暖化, and in more ways than one. Firstly, there's the simple fact that is uses a massive amount of energy to function, and unless that energy comes from a sustainable source you're likely adding to the number of fossil fuels being burnt out there.


在芝加哥,我们的故事是一样的. Image by乔安娜·坡

那么,如果您的空气骗局由太阳能电池板或屋顶上的风力涡轮机提供动力怎么办?可以吗?好吧,不是真的 - 似乎神奇地从您的家中(或汽车)消失的所有热空气都只是被抽入当地的气氛,在您的当地甚至整个城市都形成了大气的“热气泡”!


当然,一点雨永远不会伤害任何人,但是我还没有达到最后一点空调use HFCs, a refrigerant that is far more powerful than carbon dioxide when it comes to contributing to the greenhouse effect.

Put simply, air conditioning is bad. It's harmful in small amounts and when you consider the number of air conditioners out there collectively well, it's hard to imagine the magnitude to which this is damaging our environment.


吊扇更适合环境,而且跑步也便宜!Image by大卫·索尔兹伯里(David Salisbury)

So are we supposed to sit there sweltering and sweating in the summer heat, baking ourselves just to protect the environment? Of course not! There are plenty of ways to keep cool when the temperatures are rising, without worrying about adding to the greenhouse effect.

吊扇通过将温暖的空气推高,有效地将其绑在天花板上 - 但是inside the home而不是将其发送到环境中。他们只需调整您在地面上呼吸的空气与高高的空气之间的温度差异,而无需实际改变房间的平均温度。

The Ancient Egyptians had an interesting method of keeping cool - and I'm not talking about the slaves they employed to fan them day and night with giant lotus leaves! No, their best solution was to leave pots of water in doorways so that the hot, dry air blowing in would become cool and moist before it reached the inner chambers of the home.



将您的洗衣挂在家里,以一种更绿色的方式冷却,这是完全免费的. Image byMysza831

Smaller ideas such as using a handheld fan as is common in Spain and Japan, closing curtains in a room when no one's in it, popping your bed sheets in the fridge for an hour before bedtime, or even just opening a window can all keep you cool when the temperatures start to rise - enough, I hope, to make you think twice next time your hand reaches for the air conditioning switch!



