
By马丁·莱格特(Martin Leggett)- 2011年5月30日23:0:1 GMT

普遍的消费者社会最大的问题之一是缺乏对发生的事情的思想,一旦最新的“必须携带”小工具成为饲料浪费 回收center. Much of the electronic refuse of consumer culture - so-called e-waste (or electronic waste) - ends up being 'recycled' in the most primitive and unregulated of conditions.

现在,对来自e废物加工的主要中心之一的样品进行了测试 - 中国省省的塔州市 - 证明了这一点的危险污染从电子垃圾中都是非常真实的。结果发表在最新版本的环境研究信

根据一些估计,电子废物包括从冗余手机和计算机到过时的电视和打印机组成的所有内容,全球范围内大量生产 - 每年约2000万吨。随着商品的价格飙升,从电子设备中锁定的铜,金,银和钯的利润可能是可观的。但是为了获得最大的利润,使用了最便宜的提取方法。这意味着该处理被拆除到世界上最不受监管的地区 - 包括西非和亚洲。


They then dissolved pollutants from the samples in water and organic solvents, and exposed cultured lung cells to them. Several tests were then run on the tissues. One was for the level of Interleukin-8 (IL-8), which is produced when the organs are undergoing dangerous inflammation; another was the concentration of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROR) which are known to damage cell tissues. Finally, the team, led by Dr Fangxing Yang, looked for a gene called p53, which is produced to help counteract damage to cell tissues.


已知由炎症和氧化引起的损害会导致p53产生 - 但该研究没有看到IL -8,ROR和p53之间的任何明显关系,这意味着其他一些因素正在起作用。

But the results do imply serious consequences for the health of e-waste workers. Dr Yang said ''From these results it is clear that the 'open' dismantlement of e-waste must be forbidden with more primitive techniques improved. As the results show potential adverse effects on human health, workers at these sites must also be given proper protection.''
