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Sewage 'Right to Know' Groundbreaking Legislation

By米歇尔·西蒙(Michelle Simon)- 08 May 2012 15:11:0 GMT
Sewage 'Right to Know' Groundbreaking Legislation


One of the greatest scourges facing our society is人口过多尤其是在致密的城市中心,以及服务基础设施达到日益增长的能力的相关能力。下水道is one of those critical service issues, and to add to the sewage system overload, is the grave risk that high demand and incapacity place on the environment and to human health with leaks and spills. In addition, aging infrastructure does not hold well when literally weighed down.

Thepopulation explosionsthat have happened and urban influx were never anticipated at such an exponential growth rate when the original city infrastructure was planned and designed. An overburdened sewage system will undoubtedly collapse under the strain. Once this happens, untold health and ecological contamination ensues, affecting surface and groundwater resources, essentially our drinking water supplies.

美国康涅狄格州的公民领导了一项不懈的运动,以使其房屋通过“了解”有关污水溢出和泄漏的进步法律。该法案是向与任何污水有关的公众发出警告的主动手段health risks并将使公民积极避免所有高风险水体。根据美国EPA的说法,每年仅被下水道溢出污染的水中游泳,多达350万人生病。

Besides the chemical toxins and废水在污水中发现;危险的危险生命的微生活比比皆是。这些病原体是致命的寄生虫,细菌和病毒,进入我们的海洋鸟类和休闲内陆水体。将剧毒化学和生物含量释放到环境中可以产生健康流行病,例如霍乱。必威国际必威官网



Cholera epidemics have been reported throughout the globe, hotspots being areas of poverty, lack of water supply and sanitation. Not forgetting during natural disasters, pathogens also thrive.

Vibrio Cholerae,引起霍乱的细菌,这是"bacterial infection which is contracted by drinking contaminated water or by eating food which has been in contact with contaminated water, flies or soiled hands. The germs which cause cholera can be found in the stools of human beings (KZN DoH, 2001)."

e.coli, another one of thescaries, knows not class and no matter where a sewage leak arises, the risk of disease awaits. Like most pathogens, over time they become resistant to human antibiotics and are able to proliferate. One such stubborn bacteria, is大肠杆菌/大肠杆菌,对大多数抗生素的抗性。最常见的途径是通过通过粪便摄入污染的食物来传播到食物上。e.coli具有高度传染性,通过触摸传播,引起严重的腹部痉挛,粪便中的血液,疲劳和呕吐,仅举几个症状。


pathogens and their effects on the human body



Another scary pathogen is theNecrotising fastitis, it destroys skin, tissue and fat layers within a short period. It's earned the name 'flesh-eating bacteria' due to its rapid disintegration of skin and tissue. In KwaZulu-Natal, a victim was swimming in the lagoon on the south coast, injuring his foot on the rocks, he didn't realise the horror he was facing. He experienced unusual pain in the affected area and the next day rushed himself to a doctor only to discover he had contracted the deadly bacteria in the water that had entered through the small open wounds. It resulted in his limb being amputated to rid his body of the rapid infection. The victim, RW Johnston (2009), said:"Almost certainly the reason the lagoon was polluted with such a deadly organism was to do with the dumping of raw sewage by communities living upriver".

High Nutrient Content



Besides the human health impacts, raw sewage leaking into the environmental decimates other life-forms, destroying food sources and places for habitation.

Odours and Gases

Not only does sewage reek, it is dangerous in that passing through the system is not only organically producing decomposition gas, but household and industrial wastewater chemicals. Sewer gases may contain a range of gases from ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide; hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg smell), illegal hazardous discharges of fuels and other chemicals, all contribute to the odours, explosion risks and health risks.






  • 仅使用干净,处理或开水的水(政府还建议使用添加到水中杀死细菌的氯漂白剂比例)。

  • Wash all raw food with clean, treated or boiled water

  • Wash your hands before handling or eating food

  • 用干净,处理或开水清洗食品用具

  • 保护食物免受苍蝇污染,并防止房屋中的苍蝇污染

  • Use proper toilet facilities only and wash hands after use.

  • 不允许孩子在肮脏的游泳池,小溪或雨水出口中玩耍

  • 不要污染河流,也不要将污水淹没,可以通过雨水将其冲入河流。

    Credit: (KZN DoH, 2001)

    在特权的水和卫生服务领域,每日谨慎也适用;JC Brown(1995)建议以下内容:

  • Always在将任何其他物品放在该表面上之前,请清洁与生肉接触的任何表面。

  • Alwaysthoroughly wash your hands after handling raw meat, and before you handle any other utensils or other food items.

  • Neveruse the same plate, tray or utensils for the cooked meat that you use for the raw meat - unless you thoroughly wash the plate, tray or utensils in-between.

  • Alwayscook meat,特别是磨碎的肉,直到果汁绝对清晰 -pink is not good enough. In fact, it is necessary for the internal temperature of a hamburger pattie to reach 160 degrees F to kill all of any contaminatingE. coli.

  • 在日托中心,学校等中,任何患有腹泻的小孩都应仔细处理,并与所有良好的孩子分开。所有尿布和任何脏衣服都应与所有良好的孩子分开。日托工作人员,老师和卫生保健人员应始终练习严格的亨氏,而不论儿童的健必威国际必威官网康状况如何。

    The advances made by Connecticut should be a precedence-setting globally where all local governments enact similar legislation not only making the public aware (often people flush all sorts of nasties that clog up the system too) but also creating watch-dog citizens who are able to aid the government in monitoring and addressing these infrastructural failures. Certainly no government wants the disaster management costs and health epidemics that are created from raw sewage into the environment.


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