医学进化 - 第二部分

ByDave Armstrong- 2012年8月29日20:47:10 GMT
医学进化 - 第二部分

A well-photographed Hydra on dark ground. Basically immortal: a medical dream -九头蛇图像; Credit: © Shutterstock

医学进化 - 第二部分

When we age, it seems we struggle to try and find some mechanism to prevent the process! Obviously the smokers are aware already of what they have done.Evolution解释了为什么我们以这样的方式变老了。当然,选择的强度随着年龄的增长而下降,因此有助于早期生殖成功的突变无助于您的帮助,并且可能会在您年纪大的时候妨碍您。这被称为繁殖/生存权衡。


另一方面,癌症是进化的,因为我们的癌症比任何其他物种都多。我们基本上寿命太长了,由于我们所接受的性行为而患有奇怪的生殖癌。有丝分裂越多,我们产生的癌症越多,通常来自那些珍贵的干细胞. They can mutate so often that the immune system has to be extremely effective in order to detect and kill the cancer clones as early as it does.



如果要应用进化医学,则化学疗法将不太彻底,以维持较少的毒细胞 -癌症幸存者的肖像; Credit: © Shutterstock

致病性逆转录病毒,细菌和其他人可以用药物进行抗击。和cardiovascular diseaseand its attendant inflammation recognised as a possible result for pathogens, it brings to mind the old adage that virulent pathogens were just poorly-adapted. The myxomatosis virus of rabbits is one of many that developed lower virulence in just 10 years. Competition and the success of transmission to a further host are thought to be the main factors involved in that lowering.

就抗生素而言,阻力是我们所有人似乎经常面对的事件bacterial infections. In fact, it is emergency rooms and ICU that create most of the resistant strains (not forgetting poultry growth usage.) Gene cassettes are the latest discovery, transferring resistance to whole groups of antibiotics in one fell swoop. As medical practice has been so thorough, this has meant efficient selection for multiple resistances.


New disease of course evolves all the time, often from zoonoses. These are animal diseases that adapt to the human host in many ways. RNA viruses, being rapid in adapting because of their high mutation rate, are among the first to exploit humans from wild animals that are newly exposed to humans. Ebola from bats and灌木丛kills too fast to be an efficient human disease. AnotherRNA virus,HIV1开始感染黑猩猩,该黑猩猩猎杀了其主要寄主猴子。然后,它获得了杀死T细胞淋巴细胞的能力,从而导致其对人类的成功。通过基因组分析,历史现在可以追溯到1925年左右的喀麦隆的两个小村庄!




As elephants and whales have X100 and X1000 more cells than us, their rate of cancer would be multiplied accordingly. Except for the mechanisms they have evolved to combat it. There are many possibilities, but the problem certainly exists. When we compare cancer rates in large and small dogs, the conclusion can only be - how on earth did大动物的生存足够长以发展?治愈等待我们!

第二种比较方法扩展了艾滋病/艾滋病毒debate. Green monkeys and sooty mangabeys don't suffer from their SIV (related directly to the evolution of HIV as mentioned above) infections because gene expression regulates their immune response.

So how to balance all of this fairly novel medical experience, what complementary work needs to be done to focus better on problem solving? The inter-disciplinary approach here is proven. Professor Stearns indicates without needing to point. Perhaps medical schools worldwide are already beefing up their cross-curricular links. It remains to be seen, but I'd like to congratulate him on an entertaining and portentous manuscript in the皇家学会B:生物科学论文集今天。

医学进化 - 第一部分


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