
经过电子邮件作者- Thu, 12 May 2011 10:50:01 GMT

For the purpose of this article an environmental disaster is defined as a specific event caused by human activity that results in a seriously negative effect on the environment. Sometimes anatural disaster可以成为环境灾难,但这是在其他地方讨论的话题。


Lack of foresight is a common cause of an environmental disaster. In agriculture a classic example of is the increasing salinity of soils in hot climates. With the need to produce more food, a warm climate seems ideal for European-style agriculture, once the existing vegetation has been cleared. The one proviso is that there must be plenty of water. Irrigation projects and deep wells are usually the answer, but as has been found in Australia, if this is not properly managed, salination can result and the land becomes effectively useless.

A further example of a catastrophic and misguided interference with nature resulted in thedust bowls1930年代袭击了北美。肥沃的土壤似乎是强化农业的理想选择,但是深层耕作和缺乏农作物旋转的结合削弱了土壤结构。经过多年的干旱,大风简单地消除了一旦肥沃的农田变成虚拟沙漠的所有表土和数百万英亩的土地。

Another unforeseen agricultural disaster was Moa Zedong's 1958 decree to eliminate sparrows. It was considered that because sparrows ate grain seeds they were robbing the people of the fruits of their labour. The campaign was very successful that it cleared the way for swarms of locusts to descend on the farms. Crops were decimated, leading to a famine that resulted in the deaths of 38 million people.



It is very easy to upset the fragile balance of nature. In June 1918 a steamship ran aground on a Pacific Island and while it was stranded, Black Rats escaped and got ashore. Here they thrived, causing the extinction of several of the island's endemic birds and other fauna. They also raided the crops of the islanders, particularly the seeds of the Kentia Palm, which was the islanders' only export commodity.


工业的pollutionhas been the cause of so many environmental disasters that it is impossible to list them all. One of the most serious was the Bhopal disaster of December 1984 when a leak of methyl isocyanate resulted in at least 22,000 deaths plus various genetic diseases that will continue for generations. The chief causes of this disaster were negligence, corruption and the complete disregard of safety standards.

Videos: The Bhopal Documentary from National Geographic.

许多环境灾难也与石油生产行业有关Deepwater Horizon disaster2010年4月是想到的最新事物。根据白宫能源顾问卡罗尔·布朗纳(Carol Browner)的说法,泄漏是美国面临的“最严重的环境灾难”。

在这种情况下,sudden explosion on a drilling rig在墨西哥湾,旨在防止漏油的安全阀明显失败。泄漏被密封的几个月前,在此期间,数百万加仑的石油倒入了海中。

由此产生的污染不仅来自石油,还来自用于散布它的化学物质。所有的生态系统were destroyed along with the livelihoods of countless people. Many endangered species are not expected to恢复

In West Africa the Niger Delta covers 20,000 km2在70,000公里的湿地内2,主要由沉积物沉积形成。它是来自40个不同种族的约2000万人的家。它的洪泛区占尼日利亚总土地量的7.5%,是非洲第三大排水盆地。

Its ecosystem contains one of the highest concentrations of生物多样性在地球上。除了支持各种各样的动植物外,还有可耕种的地形可以维持多种农作物,热带森林与西非的任何其他生态系统相比,淡水鱼的种类更多。

Unfortunately for the Niger Delta, oil was discovered in the region. Since drilling began in 1976 there has been a complete lack of concern by the尼日利亚政府or the oil operators to exert any control of the environmental problems associated with the industry.



Understandably there has been a major impact on the ecosystem. Enormous tracts of mangrove forest have been destroyed along with most of the flora and fauna that were once found there.

The倾倒废物is obviously a serious issue and international regulations put strict controls on this. Unfortunately there will always be unscrupulous people who will try to get around the regulations.

A classic example occurred in 2006 when a Panama-registered ship offloaded 500 tonnes of toxic waste at the Ivory Coast port of Abidjan. The company concerned apparently wanted to avoid paying the 1,000 euros per cubic metre disposal charge it would have to pay in Holland.



Nuclear accidents can have serious environmental effects. Prior to 2011 the 1986Chernobyl disasterwould probably have been regarded as the most serious after an enormous explosion sent radioactive ash into the atmosphere covering most of Northern Europe, along with Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. 350,000 people had to be resettled.

然后在2011年来Fukushima 1 accidentin Japan when an地震其次是海啸袭击核电站。地震淘汰了为水泵送以冷却反应堆的公共电力供应。地震发生后不久,海啸摧毁了将在公共电力供应发生故障时启动的紧急备用发电机。然后意识到,设计师未能考虑到这种可能性。

As a result a catastrophic situation developed and 14,000 people had to be evacuated from the immediate area. After several weeks a勇敢的工人人数, struggling in appalling conditions, managed to bring the situation under control, but as with so many environmental disasters, once again official information was misleading, sketchy, or simply non-existent.


We don't know what these consequences will be, but they are not likely to be pleasant. The world seems to be on course for what is likely to be the worstenvironmental有史以来的灾难。仍然有时间减慢过程,但这需要迅速而全球的行动。

