


绿色意见is a blog where people can share and express their own personal opinion and ideas on a particular environmental issue or green topic. It is in effect the Op-Ed section of The Earth Times where the thoughts and ideas of individuals can be shared. From global, national to local issues, there are no topic or subject boundaries; although each article does go through an editorial process prior to publication. If you have your own environmental story or opinion that you would like to share, please let us know.






The latest reviews and developments in eco-friendly technology and green gadgets. The world of green gadgetry covers everything from hydrogen powered cars, solar powered gadgets, those containing recyclable plastic to alarm clock radios with wind up crank handles and even mobile phones with green credentials, demonstrating how manufacturers are innovating with environmental concerns in mind. The eco-friendly gadgets blog brings you the reviews of products and companies who are developing the growing number of these eco-conscious alternatives.




By definition, going green means that you are opting for a more sustainable way of life and reducing waste in every aspect of your lifestyle. The Earth Times informational guide on 'Going Green' covers numerous topics including sustainable living and products, electric vehicles, renewable energy, green tech and the latest trends on living greener and more sustainably. Choosing a greener lifestyle encourages buying eco-friendly products and services as well as reusing and recycling whenever possible.


Environmental Issues





Climate Change

There are various issues involved in the long-term change in the distribution of weather patterns that is known as climate change. These include man made climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, ozone depletion, efficient energy use, fossil fuels and their phase-out in favour of renewable energy sources.


保护运动betway必威官网平台旨在保护动物和植物物种及其栖息地等自然资源。betway必威官网平台保护是一个相当广泛的术语,几乎可以与环保主义或整个环境运动的想法互换 - 可以肯定地假设所有环保主义者都希望保护自然环境。




Pollution, human population growth, our quest for natural resources and agricultural land is devastating forests worldwide. The most serious deforestation issue is tropical rainforest decimation with loss of habitat and biodiversity.


荒漠化is the process by which habitable and fertile land turns into desert. Desertification can occur as a result of both destructive use of the land by humans and variations in climate, with possible causes including drought, deforestation and overgrazing.


An ecosystem is an integrated biological environment that consists of all of the species that live in a particular habitat. It also includes the non-living, physical components and processes of that environment that the organisms are affected by and interact with, including air, sunlight, soil and water.

Endangered Species



Issues exist regarding the generation and use of energy, including the environmental impact of energy sources such as fossil fuels, nuclear power, wind power, solar power and biomass. Related major energy issues include national energy policies, reliance on foreign energy sources and poorer countries’ energy needs.

Environmental Business

There are various environmental issues that are pertinent to businesses. These include energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, planning for the impacts of climate change, environmental permitting, the threat to businesses and their critical infrastructure from rising sea levels and flooding and water regulations.

Environmental Disasters


Environmental Health



Environmental organisations aim to analyse, monitor or protect the environment in case of its degradation or misuse, or to lobby on environmental issues. Environmental organisations can be charities, trusts, governmental or non-governmental, and may operate on a local, regional, national or global basis.


Extreme weather is the term used to describe historically extreme weather conditions. It is often unseasonal, and can come in such forms as heat waves, cold waves, floods, wildfires, cyclones or tornadoes, with a given event being determined as extreme on the basis of its climatological distribution.


Fishing is the activity of catching or attempting to catch fish. The long-term sustainability of present levels of fishing has been questioned in recent years due to issues like overfishing, bycatch, fishing discards due to Government quotas and guidelines, climate change, marine pollution and fish farming.

Food and Water Security

Food and water security can be defined as the availability to a population of a sufficient quantity and quality of nutritious food and potable water. To be food-secure and water-secure means living neither in hunger or thirst, nor in fear of starvation or severe dehydration.


Genetic engineering involves the deliberate and somewhat unnatural manipulation by humans of an organism’s genetic structure. This modification results in changes in the affected organism’s characteristics, with one of the most controversial and best-known applications of genetic engineering being genetically modified food.

Global Warming



Habitat loss and degradation involve a natural habitat being rendered functionally unable to support a present species. This process leads to a reduction in biodiversity due to the tendency for the species for which a given site was a natural habitat to be displaced or destroyed.



Mass Extinction



Natural disasters are disasters caused by natural hazards such as floods, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides or tornados. Natural disasters involve substantial physical damage, injuries and/or loss of life, and occur when natural hazards meet the vulnerability of the affected population.

Nuclear Power

There are various environmental issues that concern nuclear power. Although nuclear energy provides environmental benefits, for example in the form of zero carbon dioxide emissions and no notable nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxides or particulates, its spent fuel is radioactive and can still cause environmental damage.


海洋are very large bodies of saline water that are principal parts of the hydrosphere. Along with smaller seas, oceans make up the continuous body of water that is known as the World Ocean. See below for our guide to the environmental issues associated with oceans and the marine life who inhabit them.






Pollution is the process by which harmful substances or products are introduced into the natural environment. Pollution, which can come in the form of chemical substances or energy such as heat, noise or light, causes disorder and instability to ecosystems.

Tropical Rainforests

Rainforests are defined as forests that experience heavy annual rainfall. Rainforests are referred to as such if they receive a minimum normal annual rainfall of 1750-2000 mm (68-78 inches), and are generally found close to the sea or in the mountainous regions that receive the most rain.



Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy that is derived from naturally replenished, or renewable, natural resources such as wind, rain, ocean tides or sunlight (renewables). Sources of renewable energy, which is also referred to as soft energy, include both traditional and new renewables such as geothermal, modern biomass and biofuels.


可持续运输或“绿色运输”可以定义为一种具有低环境影响的运输方式。可持续运输的明显例子包括步行和骑自行车。其他可持续运输方法是绿色车辆,例如混合动力汽车或电动汽车,汽车集合或共享,面向过境的Deve ...


There are various issues associated with the management of waste, including in its processing, collection, transport, disposal, recycling and monitoring. Major waste issues include rubbish collections, the use of plastic carrier bags, the amount of waste sent to landfill, electronic or e-waste and the management of hazardous or toxic waste.

Blue Whale

有关有史以来最大的动物,宏伟的蓝鲸(Balaenoptera musculus)的信息 - 包括在野外游泳的蓝鲸的照片和视频。可悲的是,蓝鲸被归类为在受威胁物种的IUCN红色清单上濒临灭绝。


Information and facts about the komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) - includes some fabulous photos of the komodo in the wild, a close up of the venomous mouth and video of how the komodo hunts and kills prey much larger than itself. Komodo dragons are currently classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


有关鲸鱼鲨鱼(Rhincodon Typus)的信息 - 包括一些在野外游泳的鲸鲨的精美照片和视频。鲸鲨在受威胁物种的IUCN红色清单上被归类为易受伤害。


有关Sperm Whale(物理学大肠杆菌)的信息 - 包括事实,一些照片显示了它们如何潜水和斑点鲸游泳的视频。抹香鲸目前在受威胁物种的IUCN红色清单上被归类为易受伤害。


有关最大的海豚物种,杀手鲸(Orca或Orcinus Orca)的信息 - 包括杀手鲸在野外游泳和破坏的照片。目前,数据不足以对受威胁物种的IUCN红色列表中的杀手鲸进行分类。

Humpback Whale

Information about the humpback whale species (Megaptera novaeangliae) - including some excellent photos of a humpback breaching, several feeding whales, a mother and calf swimming in the wild plus a video of humpback feeding behaviour. The humpback is classified as a species of least concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Manta Ray

Information and facts about the manta ray (Manta birostris) - including photos of mantas swimming and feeding. Currently classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, mantas are facing increasing danger by demand for their fins and gill rakers from Asia.


Information on the tiger species (Panthera tigris). One of the biggest carnivores on land and a formidable predator, the tiger can leap up to 10m.


Information about endangered Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus). If there is an animal that deserves some human kindness, it is this.